Blackridge Isle

Week 3 Norwood

Poor Komei looks a bit confused over his chess game. XD

I don’t remember if I mentioned this last week, but I made Komei a werewolf because Moira likes lycanthropy…

Skilling all night long.

Well not all night long. 😉

A freshly non-werewolfed Komei eagerly eats a grilled cheese for breakfast.

Lots of promotions!

That awkward moment when your maternity wear changes your hairstyle.

An incoming baby means marriage!

Komei takes on Moira’s last name.

I want alien babiessssss.

I was mistaken in that I thought topping Law Enforcement unlocked the whole career, but at least we now have burglar and fire alarms!

And now it’s time to try and find a job in Adventure.

Yay, alien abduction!

Whoo! Only a few days of searching and Komei has found a job in his dream career.

Moira goes into labor and has a boy named Sean.

I’m too lazy to expand the house right now, so Sean just gets a crib in Moira and Komei’s room for now.

Komei doesn’t work until the afternoons which works out well with Moira’s work schedule, so he gets to spend a lot of time with baby Sean.

Whoo! Alien baby is on the way. 🙂

Poor Moira has been having a rough time with taking care of Sean, skilling for work, and working such odd hours.

Sean had his birthday. 🙂 He’s a good mix of both parents I think.

Since Komei doesn’t need to sleep at night thanks to his werewolfism, he takes the lead on teaching Sean his skills.

The week ends with Komei giving birth to his alien baby, Llyr.

Population: 168
Playable Sims: 21
SM: 8
Households: 5

Community Lots: 6
⮡ Owned: 5
⮡ NPC: 1

Business Districts: 1
University(ies): 0
Downtown: no

CAS: 11
⮡ Used: 3

Fires: 4
Burglaries: 1
University funds: $293,000

Adventure: 0/1 [Komei Norwood]
Architecture: 0/1 [Delphina Teague]
Business: Unlocked [Amanda Carlson]
Criminal: 1/1
Culinary: Unlocked [Jan Tellerman, Joe Pearce, Ryan Wheeler]
Law Enforcement: 1/1
Oceanography: 0/3 [Scorpius Pearce, Ivy Wheeler, Moira Norwood]

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