Blackridge Isle

Week 9 Teague 2

Luke and Pollux woohoo before work.

Pollux attempts to fix the computer, but has to take a break to pay the rent.

Then he’s back at fixing the computer while Luke paints.

Hmmm…you feeling okay there, Luke?

Pollux is so close to topping his career!

Wait, what? So much for them being your friendly neighborhood GCWOK. 😦

With a baby on the way, Luke and Pollux have moved into a much bigger house, courtesy of vimpse Real Estate, that actually has a room for the baby.

Luke has some time off due to the baby, so he spends his day relaxing with some painting.

Whoo, one LTW down! Pollux’s new LTW is to Become a Prestidigitator, which is totally doable.

Pollux immediately starts looking for a job in Entertainment, but no luck yet.

He has success the next morning though!

I missed Luke’s second pop. He’s so cute!

Luckily Pollux finds Luke’s messy eating habits endearing instead of disgusting.

Luke is woken by labor pains and very quickly gives birth to baby boy Randall.

Luke wastes no time in continuing his painting. He needs some creativity points for his next promotion, so he’s working hard on that so hopefully when he goes back to work, he’ll get promoted.

Luke and Pollux hire a nanny to take care of Randall so they can both go to work.

Aw, man! That stupid “wear costume” chance card gets me every time. I really should make them NOT wear their costume to work, but Luke is definitely the kind of person who would wear a costume to work.

At least Pollux got a promotion.

I swear, Randall pooped his diaper just as Pollux scooped him up for some cuddles. Perfect timing, dude. XD

Aaaaand he’s back where he was at the start of the week.

Before I know it, it’s time for little Randall to grow up!

Pollux missed Randall’s birthday because he was at work, but at least he got a promotion?

That BETTER be food poisoning, Luke. We don’t have room in this house for another baby!

Whoo! Luke’s new LTW is Have 10 1st Dates, which probably won’t happen. He may be a Romance secondary, but I don’t want to make him cheat on Pollux that much.

Ugh, I really didn’t want them to have another baby. Luke and Pollux have both been put on birth control now, so hopefully this will be their last baby.

Pollux starts teaching Randall to walk and manages to finish maybe an hour later while Luke fixes the TV.

Luke starts teaching Randall to talk while Pollux is at work.

2 LTWs in one week, go Pollux! His new LTW is Become Mad Scientist. Since he’s already completed 2 LTWs, I’m not going to try too hard to complete it. If he can find a job in Science within a few days I’ll let him try it. Otherwise he’ll just stay at the top of Entertainment for a while.

The week ends with Luke letting Randall out of his crib for some early morning tickles.

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