Pleasantview Twist

Round 3 Goth II

Alexander helps out by taking Gina to the potty before he heads to school. She’s SO CLOSE to being potty trained.

Gina wanted some tickles from Mortimer. 🙂

Then she rolled a want to learn to walk, so Mortimer gets started on that. They don’t quite finish before Gina needs a nap though.

After her nap, Gina starts learning to talk while Mina is on the phone trying to make friends.

Dina needed some logic skill points for her next promotion and since Alexander also wanted to level up in logic and he and Dina still aren’t friends, I send them both to the chess table.

Damn it! Gina filled her diaper as Dina was walking to the potty, but it was too late by then.

She may not be potty trained yet, but Gina can at least walk now.

Time for Alexander to head off to SSU!

Mortimer randomly rolled some wants to flirt with and kiss Dina.

Woohoo was an unsurprising next step. XD

I really wish Mina wasn’t so boring…all she does is play on the computer. We’ll ignore the fact that I do that in real life, ‘kay?

Gina is FINALLY potty trained.

I still don’t know why Mortimer napped on the couch instead of sleeping in his bed with his wife, but whatever.

Aw, man! You couldn’t even let him eat his cereal??

R.I.P. Mortimer. 😦

Dina wakes up and mourns for Mortimer before sending him to the cemetery. I don’t want no ghosts!

Poor Gina didn’t grow up well since Mortimer died so close to her birthday and she didn’t have a chance to get her aspiration up.

She helps clean up the dirty dishes and then plays the piano for a bit before going to bed.

Dina has only been a widow for a day and she already wants to kiss and flirt with someone.

The cemetery is tiny so far–just Herb and Mortimer–but it’s cute.

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