Pleasantview Twist

Round 3 Caliente

Don apparently picked up food poisoning at some point…

I’m a mean Watcher and make the kids do their homework as soon as they get home.

I probably should have made Don stay home from work since he’s sick and is a doctor, but they need the money so *shrug*

Poor Donny boy is still sick the next day.

Don wants to make some dinner for himself and the kids while Nina is at work, but they’re out of groceries so he orders Chinese instead. He also definitely didn’t buy new groceries. Oops.

I couldn’t help but laugh at the two different ways of eating: Don and Lina just tipped the boxes upside down and let the food fall into their mouths, and Elijah and Simon used chopsticks to stab the food. I’m curious which way Nina would have gone…I’m leaning towards her being a chopstick-stabber, but maybe not.

Nina gets home and then has to clean up all the empty Chinese food boxes since Don and the kids are already asleep.

Little Nicolas becomes a bit bigger!

The next morning, Nina starts potty training him.

And Don starts teaching him to walk.

I pretty much let the kids do whatever they want, which means Elijah and Simon play a lot of chess together and Lina just runs around doing unproductive things.

Nina had some flirting and kissing wants and since she’s a Romance sim, she used her coworker as aspiration fodder.

Now, buh-bye!

Nina also wanted to woohoo, but Don gets to be the one to help fulfill that want.

2 thoughts on “Round 3 Caliente

  1. Despite being Romance Sims, Don & Nina are actually pretty attentive parents! Team work makes the dream work! Hurrah!


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