Pleasantview Twist

Round 2 Burb

Lucy heads off to school while Jennifer heart farts over John in the background. XD

The family moved to a nice big house since the apartment was way too tiny for all four of them.

John is home alone with Susan while Lucy is at school and Jennifer at work, so he starts teaching her to walk.

It doesn’t take long for her to learn to walk. 🙂

I’m a bit nervous to have Jennifer talk to Don since she has Romance as her secondary…no affairs, okay?

Susan learned to use the potty. 🙂

Susan and John are now best friends, which I think is super cute.

Jennifer comes home with a promotion and starts to work on her charisma for her next promotion.

Susan wanted to learn a nursery rhyme, which most toddlers don’t roll wants for.

Susan is such a cutie!

Susan brought her cousin David home from school.

Lucy got a job and gets a promotion her first day.

Susan has taken up painting alongside Jennifer.

Jennifer stayed up late working on a painting and finally crawled into bed at like 2 in the morning. Oops?

One thought on “Round 2 Burb

  1. Susan is adorable! The bun suits her much more than the headband. Lol @ not wanting Jennifer to talk to Don. That’s why I can’t use ACR. It’s bad for my sanity. Lol


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